Art upload

Please fill in details below to submit your art.

This will be a brief explanation of your artwork.

Maximum file size: 516MB

Allowed image formats: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, gif

Product Sale Price including commission

Please select the closest category available. If your preference is not available choose other and we will add your category once submitted.

Additional Product Information

International freight can be quoted direct with buyer
Allow only one of these products to be purchased at a time.


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Extra Image Upload

Maximum file size: 516MB

Agreement Terms
I agree for my work to be promoted on relevant social media, for, and (ceramics) (if approved). A sales commission of 30% will apply on sales. You, the artist is to arrange delivery to the buyer at your own cost. Upon order you will receive 50% of purchase price, once buyer has received the artwork the balance (less commission) will be made to your designated bank or paypal account. Art in Transit / justart take no responsibility for damage or loss.